International Centre for
Ethnic and Linguistic
Diversity Studies
International Centre for Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity Studies (Czech: Mezinárodní centrum pro studium etnické a jazykové rozmanitosti, z.s.) is a non-partisan non-governmental research institution, established in August 2017 in Prague, Czechia.
The Centre (hereinafter ICELDS) was established by an international group of scholars as a hub for innovative policy-oriented research on ethnic and linguistic diversity issues worldwide. The Centre builds on the existing scholarly collaborative networks created by the ICELDS founders over the last years.
- development of knowledge and better understanding of problems related to diversity around the globe;
- promotion of the dialogue among scholars and practitioners for better understanding and resolution of the current and future challenges.
- scholarly and practice-oriented multidisciplinary research pertinent to ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity worldwide, in particular, the formation and institutionalization of diversity;
- diversity and equality politics and policies;
- the processes of nation-building; intellectual debates and public deliberations concerning diversity;
- facilitation of dialogue and networking among scholars and practitioners;
- publications on the issues pertinent to ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity; dissemination of information by other means;
- provision of analysis and consultations for policy-makers;
- training and awareness-raising; elaboration and approbation and teaching programmes pertinent to ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity issues;
- confidence-building and conflict preventing initiatives;
- other activities pertinent to ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity.