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Anything but a role model: Latvia’s minority policies, Russian propaganda and international organizations
Anything but a role model: Latvia's minority policies, Russian propaganda and international organizations Kiryl Kascian On 22 February 2024, the Advisory... read more

Discrimination of the Belarusian language in Belarus: a systemic problem with a multi-level historical context
Discrimination of the Belarusian language in Belarus: a systemic problem with a multi-level historical context Kiryl Kascian People can be understood... read more

Litvinism: when history becomes securitized
Litvinism: when history becomes securitized Hanna Vasilevich Lithuania’s support for those Belarusians protesting against the Lukashenka regime has become well known... read more

Education for national minorities: when content and discourse are equally important
Education for national minorities: when content and discourse are equally important Kiryl Kascian The proposals of Lithuanian Minister of Education Gintautas... read more

Kremlin’s shadow in the Belarusian politics of memory
Kremlin’s shadow in the Belarusian politics of memory Kiryl Kascian Recent discussion about the so-called “Litvinism” caused a lot of emotions... read more

Language litigation in the field of higher education in the Constitutional Court of Latvia and the EU Court of Justice
Language litigation in the field of higher education in the Constitutional Court of Latvia and the EU Court of... read more

Kiryl Kascian: Despite the Kremlin and Minsk propaganda, national minorities remain an important part of Europe’s ethnic and linguistic diversity
Kiryl Kascian: Despite the Kremlin and Minsk propaganda, national minorities remain an important part of Europe's ethnic and linguistic... read more

X and others v Albania: Another case of Roma and Egyptian children segregation
X and others v Albania: Another case of Roma and Egyptian children segregation Greta Shima Korça, Albania’s southeastern city, is among... read more
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International Centre for Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity Studies (Czech: Mezinárodní centrum pro studium etnické a jazykové rozmanitosti, z.s.) is a non-partisan non-governmental research institution, established in August 2017 in Prague, Czechia.